[PythonCAD] PythonCAD should remain focused on 2D until complete

José Antonio Martín Prieto jantonio.martin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 16:04:08 CET 2009

I completely agree with Glenn.

José Antonio

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Glenn Meader <glenn at chromakinetics.com> wrote:
> Interesting suggestions on 3D, embedding, etc. -- but there is so much work
> to do just to make a decent 2D CAD tool!
> Look at the feature request list on the Wiki:
> http://morgul.no-ip.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=feature_requests
> After basic 2D functionality is complete, it would be nice to have a better
> user-interface with toolbar, right-click menus and more information about
> what's happening being displayed.
> AutoCAD has an old, poor user interface. I'd like to see a modern, well
> thought out UI, perhaps like Vectorworks.
> What CAD packages have user interfaces that you admire?
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