[PythonCAD] Code for architectural style dimensions

Art Haas ahaas at airmail.net
Thu Mar 8 00:46:41 CET 2007

On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 01:33:22PM -0800, Glenn Meader wrote:
> I wrote a Python function/method that returns a string that is an
> "Architectural" style dimension (feet, inches and fractions) given a decimal
> feet dimension numeric value. 
> Do you want this code?

Sure. Thanks for offering it.

> I'm a novice Python programmer, so I don't feel confident adding stuff into
> PythonCAD myself. 
> I'd like to add this to the choices for displaying dimensions "dimstr".
> I looked at the code for "units" to see if I could figure out what to do
> there, but so far I don't get it.

I can mail you off-list to describe how things currently work. There is
ample oppurtunity to improve the current design, btw.

> I would still have to learn the details of how to create a patch as well.
> Where should I look to learn how to create a patch and submit it to you?

Making a patch is easiest if you've checked the code out from
Subversion. You edit the file(s) you want to change and then use 'svn
diff' to create a patch by directing the output to a file ...

$ svn checkout ...
$ cd pythoncad/...
{ ... use your favorite editor to alter files ... }
$ svn diff file1.py > file1_py.diff
{ ... repeat for each file you've changed ... }

... and send me the diffs.

People accessing the repo with Subversion have obviously noticed I've
not made any changes recently. January was unproductive, and February
was similar. It has been more difficult to sit and write code lately,
plus I've been doing more stuff away from the computer as of late.

Art Haas
Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities
the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822

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