[PythonCAD] Sample patch for selection highlighting

Stuart Brorson sdb at cloud9.net
Sat Nov 12 17:29:10 CET 2005

Art --

> Hi.
> I fiddled around a bit yesterday evening and added the first take at
> 'clever stuff' to do the highlighting. I've attached my patch below.
> When an entity is selected, it is redrawn with the color '#ff7733',
> which is somewhat orangish. This patch is not commited yet, by the way,
> as I probably don't want to rely on a hardcoded value for the selection
> color.

Thanks for the patch and all your explanations!  I hope you're settled
in your new house now, and the car is fixed!

I applied your patch & I like it.  I have made some mods so that when
you hit <esc> it has my prefered behavior:  The first <esc> just puts
you back in "idle" mode, and the second <esc> clears the selected
objects.  I will upload a .diff file with my mods later today.  You
can then see if you like it.  Beyond that, I see no reason to not
incorporate the patch into the SVN archive.  (Fixing the hardcoded
color can happen later, no?)

On a different subject:  I think I will next fool around with the
layer window on the left.  I am still unhappy that any keystrokes I
make end up opening a pop-up window where they get eaten.  A feature
of PythonCD which I like very much is taht I can type coordinates into
the program instead of being constrained to only using the mouse.
Since my old patches to fix this didn't make it into the SVN archive,
I want to try getting this feature fully working.

But first, I want to preserve your desire to make the layer window
work the way you intend.  Therefore, my question:  What is the
preferred behavior of the layer window?  I am honestly not that sure
about what it is for, and how it should act. . . . .

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!


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