[PythonCAD] undo with text?

Eric Wilhelm ewilhelm at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 4 03:43:52 CEST 2004

The undo command seems to choke on text.  Is it just not logged yet?

First Draw->Text,  enter a string and pick a point.  Then, Edit->Undo 
and you get this.

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 313, in edit_undo_cb
  File "/home/ewilhelm/src/pythoncad_svn/trunk/Generic/image.py", line 
916, in undo
  File "/home/ewilhelm/src/pythoncad_svn/trunk/Generic/entity.py", 
line 256, in undo
  File "/home/ewilhelm/src/pythoncad_svn/trunk/Generic/logger.py", 
line 67, in undo
    self.execute(True, *_data)
  File "/home/ewilhelm/src/pythoncad_svn/trunk/Generic/layer.py", line 
2340, in execute
    self._delObject(True, _vals)
  File "/home/ewilhelm/src/pythoncad_svn/trunk/Generic/layer.py", line 
2644, in _delObject
    _id, _pid = values[1]
TypeError: unpack non-sequence

I haven't managed to swim my way through this yet, all I know is that 
it happens.

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
                                        --Murphy's Corollary

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