[PythonCAD] new user ( with questions )

Ed Richley richley at onion-switch.com
Sun Oct 31 00:32:01 CEST 2004

I am a new user; just got PythonCAD-DS1-R17 installed
on a RH9 system (that was a bit of a chore; everything 
else had to be upgraded). It pretty much works, as far
as I can tell, but I have a few problems.

First; I can't seem to make changes to the default dimstyle
in the prefs.py file. I'm not a python programmer at all, but
I followed the instructions and I get errors when I try to
uncomment the example dimstyles. Does this stuff work? 

Then I noticed that when I print, the dimension lines seem to
have a fixed thickness of 1.0. Since I'm trying to use inches
(not mm), this is real bad. I can't change it in the Modify-
Change-Thickness pulldown (the change doesn't stick) and
since I can't change the default linestyle (see above) I am

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks much.

Ed Richley

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