[PythonCAD] newbie install can't find Generic.globals

Bud Rogers budr at netride.net
Tue Feb 24 19:28:03 EST 2004

On Tuesday 24 February 2004 18:08, Art Haas wrote:

> It sounds like Python can't find the code in it's built-in search
> path. What do you see when you do the following ...

> Notice that '/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PythonCAD' is in the
> list. That directory is where the 'install.py' script put the files
> when I run the install command 'python setup.py install'.

That was it.  sys.path listed /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages, among 
others, but the PythonCad directory wasn't there.  I ran the install 
script as a normal user the first time.  I wondered that it went pretty 
fast and didn't seem to do much.  I re-ran the script as sudo, and it 
spent a couple minutes byte compiling things into site-packages.  Now  
gtkpycad.py runs OK from its installed location.

One of the joys of being a newbie -- everything's an adventure.  Thanks 
for the prompt response.

Bud Rogers	<budr at netride.net>	 KD5SZ

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