[PythonCAD] Data structure question

Art Haas ahaas at airmail.net
Sat Aug 2 10:28:17 EDT 2003


As inidicated in my last mail, I am looking at ways of storing the
enties in a drawing in a better manner. After "Google"ing around I bit I
found a number of papers dealing with things like R-trees, R*-trees, and
PMR Quadtrees. The little bit I've read suggest that PMR Quadtrees would
offer an improved means of storing the drawing objects, as this
structure works by dividing up spatial regions and storing references to
objects that are found in that region. In this manner it would be very
quick to see if a mouse click is on a certain object because the
spatial divisions occur when a certain number of objects are found in
its boundary, so then that area of space is sub-divided into four
smaller areas.

I'm mailing the list in hopes that someone can suggest possibly other
structures that might also be considered. Please send references to them
like links to web pages or PDF files. Also if someone has used the PMR
Quadtrees before (I haven't) and has some experience in using them could
they comment on what they found.


Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities
the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822

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