[python3-ldap] sldap3 project - A pure Python LDAP server

Giovanni Cannata cannatag at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 18:01:46 CEST 2015

Hello everybody,
I'm starting a new open source project based on the ldap3 package. The
project is named sldap3 and is still at alpha developing stage.

My idea is to have build an LDAPv3 server based reusing the protocol
component of the ldap3 package and the new asyncio network
communication package of Python 3 (backported to python 2 via the
Trollius package).

The server should be able to run multiple LDAP services (cleartext of
tls secured) on a single instance using event loops (either in threads
or in processes), using different backends for the data component and
the user component. For example it should be possible to store the
authentication information in a json file and the data in a postgresql

Project requisites:
 - pure Python
 - compatible with Python 3 and Python 2, PyPy
 - run as a service in Windows and as a daemon in Linux
 - usage of asyncio network communication

Project wishlist:
 - multi instance (in threads or processes)
 - multiple backend for user authentication
 - multiple backend for data storage
 - multiple backend for schema definition
 - data replication (maybe)

This project should be helpful for testing ldap applications in a
simple way, having an effective ldap server with easy and replicable
configuration. It could also be used is projects that needs a simple
ldap server for authentication and data storage.

You can see a pre-pre-pre alpha version (only DSA definition and
simple bind are working) at
https://github.com/cannatag/sldap3/tree/dev This is the dev branch and
I'm still working on the core component so please don't expect it
works seamlessy...

Do you have any additional idea to be included in the requisites or in
the wishlist?
Let me know what you think (esplecially if you think this is silly and
a waste of time...)


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