[python3-ldap] Feature requests: clearer errors

python3ldap python3ldap at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 21:35:50 CEST 2014

Hello Christoph,
youre point is quite different from Michael's one. This is how the
library is working now. I should include more specific information
aboute the error in the exception description. What do you think of
the idea of multi inheritance exceptions?
For example an exception caused by a socket error in the library could
be defined as:

import socket

class LDAPException(Exception):

class LDAPSocketError(LDAPException, socket.error):

so you can catch it in your code with:
except LDAPSocketError:
    # manage socket errors
except LDAPException:
   # manage all other LDAPExceptions


except LDAPException:
   # manage all LDAPExceptions  (including socket error)

or even:

except socket.error:
    # manage socket errors even in not generated by the ldap operation
except LDAPException:
   # manage all other LDAPExceptions

What do you think about this?

Have fun,

2014-04-16 11:43 GMT+02:00 Christoph Zwerschke <cito at online.de>:
> Am 16.04.2014 10:40, schrieb python3ldap:
>> Regarding this problem I think I will create a shallow hierarchy of
>> exceptions. My problem is that I'm not sure if is better to let the
>> socket errors (and other standard exceptions) flow up or trap them and
>> re-raise a custom exception in a custom hierarchy. Do you have any
>> suggestion? What other people in this list think about this?
> I think re-raising as a subclass of LDAPException is better, because you can
> catch every problem with a single exception handler. This is also how
> Requests and urllib do it. It's also important that all possible exceptions
> are properly documented.
> -- Christoph
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