[python-win32] unknow solution

Martín Trujillo Raddatz martintrujillor at gmail.com
Wed May 31 16:44:06 EDT 2023

Finally the problem is Word app, i try repair and reinstall, din not work.
its seems that a virus may be affecting it, we are now moving the scripts
to other machine ir orden to determine if  the proble is Word or other


*Martín Trujillo Raddatz         Puerto Montt - Chile            Teléfono:
+56 9 96427814 *

El mar, 30 may 2023 a las 17:29, Steven Manross (<steven at manross.net>)

> While I’ve done word automation in the past, is it possible that there’s
> any issues with the word application installation itself?  Or maybe you
> might have multiple scripts trying to open/write files simultaneously?
> As well, I might consider looking at task manager on your web server to
> see if there are a lot of processes for word that might create some sort of
> bottleneck, or concurrency issue.
> I know when I am doing some selenium work with Google Chrome, sometimes it
> leaves a rogue Chrome process running, and as a result, the server gets
> bogged down and can’t do what it’s supposed to very well because of all the
> chrome processes left over from failed python script instances.
> Typically the error you are seeing might point to a problem with some
> variable you believe should be an expected value, but in this case, it’s
> None, or another non-standard value…  Typically, I will log that kind of
> data from my classic asp web pages to understand the problem more.
> In your case, I might start by writing the file name (self.ruta) to a log
> file in case it’s blank, or has special characters in it that could be
> causing issues.
> I hope this helps.  The error messages you are seeing are quite generic,
> and reference a problem with rendering the webpage and not necessarily a
> python specific error.
> Steven
> *From:* python-win32 <python-win32-bounces+steven=manross.net at python.org> *On
> Behalf Of *Martín Trujillo Raddatz
> *Sent:* Monday, May 29, 2023 12:05 PM
> *To:* python-win32 at python.org
> *Subject:* [python-win32] unknow solution
> i ve using the library for some time now without any trouble...... but a
> few days ago the script for a conversion in word from doc to pdf
> respond with this error sometimes, other works fine, the error is random, i
> cant figure out why occurs.
> the error is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\venv\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py",
> line 81, in _GetGoodDispatch
>     IDispatch = pythoncom.connect(IDispatch)
> pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221021, 'Operación no disponible', None, None)
> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\r2d2documento.py", line 14, in __init__
>     self.save_as_('pdf')
>   File "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\r2d2documento.py", line 25, in save_as_
>     word = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Word.Application')
>   File
> "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\venv\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py",
> line 524, in EnsureDispatch
>     disp = win32com.client.Dispatch(prog_id)
>   File
> "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\venv\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py",
> line 95, in Dispatch
>     dispatch, userName =
> dynamic._GetGoodDispatchAndUserName(dispatch,userName,clsctx)
>   File
> "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\venv\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py",
> line 98, in _GetGoodDispatchAndUserName
>     return (_GetGoodDispatch(IDispatch, clsctx), userName)
>   File
> "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ruc2docs\venv\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py",
> line 83, in _GetGoodDispatch
>     IDispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IDispatch, None, clsctx,
> pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
> pywintypes.com_error: (-2146959355, 'Error en la ejecución de servidor',
> None, None)
> the code to execute the conversion is:
>     def save_as_(self, tipo):
>         import win32com.client as win32
>         from win32com.client import constants
>         # self.registrar_conversion()
>         word = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Word.Application')
>         doc = word.Documents.Open(self.ruta, ReadOnly=True,
> AddToRecentFiles=False, Revert=True, Visible=False)
>         doc.Activate()
>         if tipo == 'pdf':
>             word.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(self.ruta[:-4] + '.pdf',
> FileFormat=constants.wdFormatPDF)
>         elif tipo == 'docx':
>             word.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(self.ruta[:-4] + '.doc',
> FileFormat=constants.wdFormatXMLDocument)
>         doc.Close(SaveChanges=constants.wdDoNotSaveChanges)
>         word.Quit()
> Thank you!
> *----------------------------------------*
> *Martín Trujillo Raddatz          Puerto Montt - Chile
> Teléfono: +56 9 96427814 *
> *----------------------------------------*
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