[python-win32] How to enable events for Python Active Scripting?

Wuping Xin oudouxin at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 16:32:07 EDT 2023

HI Mark,

Thank you very much for the helpful information.

I was trying to connect Event-handlers implemented inside Python Active 
Script to EventSink at the Host App side.

But I cannot figure out how

I'll take a look at the files you advised.

Thank you again.


------ Original Message ------
>From "Mark Hammond" <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>
To "Wuping Xin" <oudouxin at gmail.com>; python-win32 at python.org
Date 3/12/2023 10:54:23 PM
Subject Re: [python-win32] How to enable events for Python Active 

>It's difficult to know what exactly you mean, but if it is how to use IConnectionPoint etc from Python in general, then you should check out the following files in the distribution:
>If it is about the use of these interfaces specifically with ActiveScripting, then you should find win32comext\axscript\test\testHost.py useful. win32comext\axscript\client\framework.py is where the implementation of Active Scripting's event handling is implemented - eg, see the functions Connect, CreateConnections, ConnectEventHandlers etc in that file.
>On 13/03/2023 1:05 am, Wuping Xin wrote:
>>I have a host application that uses Python Active Scripting.   That host application implements IConnectionPoint / IConnectionPointContainers etc, and I am able to set COM event callbacks in C++.
>>But I am having a hard time to figure out how to set COM event callback with Python Active Scripting - I bought the book "/Python Programming On Win32, but /it doesn't provide much information about//Python Active Scripting COM events.
>>Need help and much appreciate any advice.
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