[python-win32] Windows scripting can't find _ctypes

Bob Kline bkline at rksystems.com
Mon Dec 19 10:17:52 EST 2022

On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 9:40 AM Bob Kline <bkline at rksystems.com> wrote:
> ....
> Anyone else stumbled onto this problem?

I found a solution. If I add e:\Python\DLLs to the PYTHONPATH
environment variable, Windows script is able to import the ctypes
module. I would appear that something has changed in the communication
between Python and the pywin32 package, as I didn't have to do that
previously, and I assume that the change was introduced by the CPython
team, as I'm running the same version of pywin32 (305) now as I was
before the Python upgrade.

Hope this helps someone else.


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