[python-win32] Create new log under Applications and Services Logs and write messages to it

Андрей Татарников and.tatarnikov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 05:31:51 EST 2021

Hello all,

It is possible to write messages to Windows Logs -> Application event log
with pywin32, and actually it is pretty easy.
But after living some time with such a solution it became clear that an
ability to create a custom log under Applications and Services Logs and
write to it will help a lot (e.g. such logs have simpler management than
Application log).

Unfortunately, I haven't found a lot of manuals/examples on how to achieve
this using pywin32 with modern python (3.8+) on modern windows (10 on
desktops, server 2019).
If anyone could kindly point me to any proper APIs/examples/docs I will
really appreciate it.

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