[python-win32] how to code pywin32 run existing window task scheduler?

Pongthorn Sangkaphet technqvi_gangster at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 13 23:07:17 EST 2021

I am interested in pywin32 . I am going to use it to run window task scheduler through Django web application ?

Does pywin32 provide some features or method to run window task scheduler?

I have tried already but error

[cid:image003.png at 01D6EA65.65D06140]

I would like you to guide sample code to do as the following requirement.

  1.  My job has been created on Window task scheduler already as the figure below
My job is responsible for executing python file.
[cid:image006.png at 01D6EA65.65D06140]

  1.  I would like you to guide code to run job of window task scheduler in view.py on Django web application
I will code in def create_report(request)

[cid:image009.png at 01D6EA65.65D06140]
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