[python-win32] get MAPI session from OOM

ckkart at hoc.net ckkart at hoc.net
Mon Jun 4 22:00:11 EDT 2018

Am 03/06/18 um 12:51 schrieb Christian K.:
> Am 2018-05-31 03:31, schrieb timr at probo.com:
>> On May 30, 2018, at 11:23 AM, ckkart at hoc.net wrote:
>>> Any ideas? Do you think it will help to do a fresh install of office
>>> 2016?
>> In addition to just installing Outlook, have you configured Outlook?
>> You can't access MAPI unless you have incoming and outgoing servers
>> configured and authenticated.
> I installed Office 2016 from scratch and still get the same error. But I
> could make a new observation. When running a standalone script
> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> o = Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
> o.GetNamespace('MAPI').Session.MAPIOBJECT.QueryInterface(mapi.IID_IMAPISession)
> a window opens saying that there is no standard mail application
> defined. I checked in the system settings and changed the setting from
> the windows 10 mail app to outlook but I still get that error. I get it
> too when I initialize a MAPISession like this:
> from win32com.mapi import mapi

I got it. This was due to a very stupid mistake. I tried to connect to
32 bit office from 64 bit python. Sorry for the noise.


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