[python-win32] Using WMI to listen to window creation and destruction

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Wed Jul 18 17:23:02 EDT 2018

Ram Rachum wrote:
> "Are you really looking to monitor the creation of new top-level
> windows, which means the creation of new processes?"
> Does that apply to explorer windows? (i.e. when you open a new
> folder.) Because that's what I'd like to listen to.

No.  Those are just subwindows opened within the Explorer process.

What are you REALLY trying to do?  What's the overall goal?  Explorer
has an extensive shell extension interface that let you participate in
many actions, but opening new folders is not one of them.


Remember, you can open a new folder without opening a new window

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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