[python-win32] LNK4197 error building c++ extension

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Tue Aug 21 21:12:25 EDT 2018

On Aug 21, 2018, at 5:59 AM, Robin Becker <robin at reportlab.com> wrote:
> C:\code\hg-repos\taggstate\REPOS\aggstate>ls build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release
> _aggstate.exp           _aggstate.obj           agg25
> _aggstate.lib           _aggstate.pyd.manifest
> digging a bit deeper I find taht the problem comes from the exp file and the linker /EXPORT. It seems that the /EXPORT:init_aggstate can be suppressed for this build and the warning disappears, but something (I assume the exp) supplies the export. Certainly the pyd appears to work.

Yes, the /EXPORT linker command is just an alias for the .def file.  You need to mention the entry point EITHER (1) in a .def file, (2) in a /EXPORT, or (3) with a __declspec(dll export).  One and one only.
Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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