[python-win32] os.remove not deleting a file

Henk Zevenhuizen henk.zevenhuizen at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 09:16:45 EDT 2017

Hi there,

This is my first mail to this list and i have a huge problem.

my os.remove(filename)  is not working.

i am running python27 32 bits on a windows 10 64 bits machine

My piece of code (with debugging statements):

        print 73, (os.path.join(VERWERKTDIR, orgname))

        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(VERWERKTDIR, orgname)):
                os.remove(os.path.join(VERWERKTDIR, orgname))

                print 'file removed'
                print 'no file present''

if there is a file to be removed i can see the print 'file removed' however
the file is still there

when i get the message : 'before' i can delete the file through windows
explorer and with CTRL-Z i can restore the file
then i press <Enter> to continue the raw_input('before...')

Then i get the message: "after", the file is still there and i cannot
delete the through windows explorer (permission denied)
the only way to delete the file is killing python

I don't have the slightest idea where to look

Has anyone any idea ??

thanks in advance

Henk Zevenhuizen
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