[python-win32] datetime values in adodbapi

Bob Kline bkline at rksystems.com
Wed Nov 8 08:46:08 EST 2017

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Max Slimmer <maxslimmer at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you don’t mind losing some precision you can do something like this:
> ... [code to override dateconverter] ...

That would address the first bug, at least for my own immediate
application. It would take more digging to determine how generally
applicable it would be for a patch to the package.

> Or maybe you can use datetime2.

Another possible solution, sidestepping the first bug altogether.

Thanks for your helpful suggestions. I'll need to scratch my head
further to see if I can solve the second problem (loss of precision
when running under Python 3). If I can't, I may take a different route
altogether, letting the application server decide what time it is
instead of the database server. In this approach, I would just create
a variable in Python to represent the current date/time with
sub-second precision stripped (or rounded away) and store that value.
That way, at the cost of some precision, I'll be able to guarantee
that Python 2 and Python 3 code (any code, really) will get the same
value from the database. In this particular instance, the consistency
is worth more than the precision.

Bob Kline
mailto:bkline at rksystems.com

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