[python-win32] questions

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sun Mar 6 06:31:07 EST 2016

On 05/03/2016 21:39, Jon Joseph wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern: Is there any semi-comprehensive resource on how
> to use win32gui or any of the other win32* modules?  As a beginning
> example I’m just trying to:
> 1)Open notepad (done)
> 2)Automatically File->Exit
> A simple demo would be helpful.

Unfortunately, there really isn't.

Years ago, Mark Hammond & Andy Robinson wrote a book for O'Reilly 
covering the toolkit:


Although it's 16 years old(!) a lot of it will still be entirely 
relevant. (I gave my copy away so I can't quote chapter & verse).

My own pages might be handy, altho' they, too, are not the freshest on 


And I'm sure there examples in places like the ActiveState cookbook:


and, of course, StackOverflow:


Feel free to come back here for more.


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