[python-win32] Windows 10

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 02:04:53 EDT 2015

On 10/25/15, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:
> Can I suggest a mailing list name change to reflect 64 bit windows?
> python-windows would be my suggestion ....

I agree. This list is about programming in Python on Windows, so
python-windows is an obvious name and one that a novice programmer can
easily recognize.

I think the name has yet to change because a lot of programmers still
refer to the Windows API as "Win32" instead of "WinAPI". Also, the
system directory on 64-bit Windows is still called "System32", and
many of the more well-known system DLLs still have "32" in the name,
such as the following:

    shell32, ole32, kernel32, crypt32, opengl32,
    user32, advapi32, win32spl, comctl32, comdlg32,
    gdi32, rasapi32, w32time, wldap32, ws2_32,
    tapi32, cfgmgr32, imm32, msvfw32, clfsw32,
    netapi32, wtsapi32, mssign32, secur32, riched32

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