[python-win32] Is there a _simple_ way to find out what version of Windows you are running?

Patrick Asselman p.asselman at mailbox.org
Thu Oct 8 15:52:11 CEST 2015

On 2015-10-08 11:56, Laura Creighton wrote:
> Hi, I am one of the python.org webmasters.  We get people -- often 
> children
> who want to install python on their computers but don't know what OS 
> they
> are running.  Nearly all of these people are running Windows, though I
> did get somebody who was running FreeBSD the other day. :)
> Microsoft tells you to do this:
> http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/which-operating-system

Clicking on a link is too much to ask? Or is the URL too long?
In that case I would suggest to use http://whatsmyos.com/

> This is asking an awful lot of the people who are mailing webmaster
> and who don't know what OS they are running.  It is futile to tell
> these people methods to find out what OS version they are running that 
> vary
> depending on what OS you have, so  I am looking for a thing you can do 
> on
> any version of windows which will reliably spit out the correct
> answer.
> something along the lines of the windows XP discovery:
>     Click the Start button, click Run, type winver, and then press 
> Enter.
> looks good.  Perhaps it has to be:
> open a command window (but do you do the same thing to do that on all
> windows versions?) and type winver
> Now that page, of course, supposedly tells you what version you are
> running if you connect to it over the internet with the machine you
> want to test.  But not having a windows system or 12 to test with,
> I am not sure what the results are, and whether that will in itself
> be good enough for people who just want to learn how to get Python.

You can check how well it works by using a "user agent switcher" plugin 
for your browser.

Best regards,

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