[python-win32] Is there anyway to pass a VBA object to a Python COM Server and perform operations?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Wed May 13 02:45:06 CEST 2015

On 13/05/2015 2:32 AM, Diego Vélez Torres wrote:
>          Set App_Caller = Application.Caller
>          TheGrap = PythonCom.PlaceGraphic(Param1, Param2, App_Caller)
> Meanwhile in the COM code I do something like this:
>          def PlaceGraphic(self, param1, param2, app_caller):
>                  sheet_obj = app_caller.Worksheet
> When I run the code I get the following error message:
>          'PyIDispatch' object has no attribute 'Worksheet'
> Is there anyway to pass a VBA object to a Python COM Server and perform
> operations?

You should be able to "wrap" this PyIDispatch by doing 
win32com.client.Dispatch(app_caller) - Dispatch() lets you pass in 
either a string or a PyIDispatch.



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