[python-win32] Creating standalone executable

John Sampson jrs.idx at ntlworld.com
Tue Jan 6 17:59:35 CET 2015

I tried py2exe but the executable file has to be in a specific folder 
along with many other files that py2exe generates. It therefore cannot 
be placed in any folder.
As far as I can see cx-freeze produces a folder, not a single file.

I am looking for a way of producing a single executable file that can be 
run in any folder, and nothing else - that is, standalone.


John Sampson

On 06/01/2015 13:07, Graeme Glass wrote:
> Yes it is.
> http://www.py2exe.org/
> http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/
> On 6 January 2015 at 14:50, John Sampson <jrs.idx at ntlworld.com 
> <mailto:jrs.idx at ntlworld.com>> wrote:
>     Is it possible to create a standalone executable (.EXE file) from
>     a Python script?
>     By 'standalone' I mean an executable file that can be placed in
>     any folder and contains or finds the libraries, modules etc. that
>     it depends on.
>     Regards
>     John Sampson
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