[python-win32] Win32com Error any suggestions?

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Apr 16 22:37:22 CEST 2015

Carl Evans wrote:
> Yea I know. It worked fine when testing, I had it set up on task scheduler when it stopped working u expectedly.

Aha!  I should have asked that earlier.  I can explain this.

By default, processes running under Task Scheduler run as the
LocalSystem user, not as the logged in user.  The LocalSystem user
doesn't have permission to access the applications you have installed,
unless you installed it "for all users".  It also can't access your net
shares, in case that becomes necessary later.)

Further, scheduled tasks by default run in "session 0", which does not
have access to the desktop.  So, you cannot run any GUI applications at all.

Both of those things can be adjusted.  You can change the user name in
the Task Scheduler control panel applet, but to set "interactive mode",
you have to do it when you create the task.

> I am running 32bit Python 2.7 on 64bit excel if this makes a difference. I guess next test would be to try a reinstall of office?

No, that's not the issue.  The Office apps all run as "out of process"
COM services, which means they run in their own process.  Because of
that, the 32/64 mismatch doesn't matter.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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