[python-win32] pythoncom

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 08:48:44 CEST 2014

On 16/10/2014 12:50 AM, John Sampson wrote:
> The interface has a function which returns a string from an array of
> strings as it is supposed to
> in Windows 64-bit, or if called from VBA.
> In 32-bit Windows Python it returns the number of the item in the array
> instead.

So to be clear - you have a 64bit version of Windows, and you've 
installed python and pywin32 in both 32 and 64bit variants, *and* you've 
installed the COM object in both 64 and 32bit variants - is that correct?

If so, I suspect the problem might be that you've run makepy (or 
previously called EnsureDispatch etc) in the 64bit version but not in 
the 32bit version - check the lib\site-packages\win32com\gen_py 
directory and you might find the generated support in the 64bit version 
and not the other.



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