[python-win32] Get key press in Windows 7

Randy Syring randy at thesyrings.us
Thu Nov 27 19:26:19 CET 2014

I believe your problem is the use of repr() when assigning to c:

 >>> u'\x1a'
 >>> c = u'\x1a'
 >>> c == u'\x1a'
 >>> repr(c)
 >>> repr(c) == u'\x1a'

*Randy Syring*
Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner

/"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)/

On 11/27/2014 01:06 PM, John Sampson wrote:
> I have tried a module called readchar to make a Python 2.7 script 
> detect keystrokes in Windows 7.
> I found it via a link from Stack Overflow.
> When <ctrl>z  is pressed its output is printed in the console as
> u'\x1a'
> According to Python 2.7 its type is 'str'. Seeing that it is preceded 
> by a 'u', why is it not 'unicode'?
> While it appears in the console as above, if it is assigned to a 
> variable ( c = repr(readchar.readkey()) )
> and then the value of the variable is tested:
> print c == u'\x1a'
> the answer is 'False'
> This does not make sense. What type of object is a keystroke?
> Perhaps I need to find some other way for a Python script detect 
> keystrokes but I am confused as to what Python sees them as.
> Any advice would be welcome.
> Regards
> John Sampson
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