[python-win32] Access coclass interface?

Khoroshyy Petro khoroshyy at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 14:04:00 CET 2014

Thank you to your respond.
I looked into the library I need using OLE explorer. At the and of my
message I paste the intormation I got from there. Could anybody give me
a tip how to access IJYMonoReqd interface.
Thank you in advance
// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer)
// typelib filename: JYMono.dll

  helpstring("JYMono 1.0 Type Library"),
  custom(DE77BA64-517C-11D1-A2DA-0000F8773CE9, 83951780),
  custom(DE77BA63-517C-11D1-A2DA-0000F8773CE9, 1181570652)
library JYMONOLib
   // TLib :     // TLib : JYSystemLib 1.0 Type Library :
   // {638F5A15-35A6-4F7D-B8ED-B48A4CD4C619}
   // Forward declare all types defined in this
   // typelib
    helpstring("Monochromator Class")
   coclass Monochromator {
       [default] interface IJYMonoReqd;
       [default, source] dispinterface _IJYDeviceReqdEvents;
  helpstring("Monochromator Class")
coclass Monochromator {
   [default] interface IJYMonoReqd;
   [default, source] dispinterface _IJYDeviceReqdEvents;
 helpstring("IJYMonoReqd Interface"),
dispinterface IJYMonoReqd {
       [id(0x00000001), helpstring("Method Load")]
       void Load();
       [id(0x00000002), helpstring("Method Save")]
       void Save();
       [id(0x00000003), helpstring("Method OpenCommunicationsEx")]
       void OpenCommunicationsEx(
                       [in] jyCommType  __MIDL_0016,
                       [in] int portNum, 
                       [in, optional]
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 07:51:57PM +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
> Am 10.01.2014 15:26, schrieb Khoroshyy Petro:
> >Hi list,
> >I try to control a setup which consist of a  monochromator and a CCD camera.
> [...]
> >
> >Now if I try to access a monochromator coclass from another libray in
> >the same way I get com_error: (-2147221005.
> >instrument =  win32com.client.Dispatch("JYMONOLib.IJYMonoReqd")
> >or
> >instrument =  win32com.client.Dispatch("JYMONOLib.Monochromator")
> You can use ctypes.WinError to look up the error code if it known
> to windows:
> >>> from ctypes import *
> >>> raise WinError(-2147221005)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> WindowsError: [Error -2147221005] Ungültige Klassenzeichenfolge
> >>>
> In english this would read: 'Invalid class string'.
> This means that the COM runtime does not know about the
> "JYMONOLib.IJYMonoReqd" and "JYMONOLib.Monochromator" names.
> Thomas
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