[python-win32] Dropping support for Python 2.3?

Andreas Holtz A.Holtz at gmx.net
Mon Apr 29 00:30:20 CEST 2013

I'm bound to Python 2.5.
I make heavy usage of 4Suite which is not supported for Python 2.6+ so I can not upgrade :(
Or does anyone know a good XML lib that support xpath?



schrieb Michael Manfre am 26.03.2013 14:08:
> Anyone running a no longer supported version of Python on Windows has already made the conscious decision that upgrading their code to newer
> versions is not worth the cost. No point in shifting that cost to pywin32 maintenance. +1 on dropping all code from any version of Python
> that no longer receives security updates.
> Regards,
> Michael Manfre
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Kris Hardy <kris at rhs.com <mailto:kris at rhs.com>> wrote:
>     +1
>     Mark Hammond <skippy.hammond at gmail.com <mailto:skippy.hammond at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         I've been happy to drop support for a couple of years, but while it kept
>         working I kept building it :) I can't recall if 2.4 is built with vc6
>         too - if so, we might as well kill that too.
>         Cheers,
>         Mark.
>         On 26/03/2013 8:33 PM, Vernon D. Cole wrote:
>             Perhaps it is time...
>             I found a copy of Python 2.3 to load onto a new computer in order to
>             test my software, but it was not easy. It is in the small print about
>             four pages down from the download page on python.org <http://python.org>
>             <http://python.org>. I was one of 432 people who have downloaded the
>             2.3 installer for pywin32 build 218. Compared with 121,351 downloaded
>             installers fo r Python 3.3 and 2.7 combined, 431 is 0.35 percent of our
>             users. I discounted myself, because the only reason I downloaded the
>             package was to make sure I have not broken something by using a new
>             feature. I wonder how many of the others of that 432 are for similar
>             reasons. Most, I would bet.
>             Supporting that zero point three percent is costly, in terms of lost
>             features. Adodbapi is not a large module, but there are half a dozen
>             places in it which deal specifically with Python 2.3 -- such as "import
>             win32com.decimal.decimal_23 as decimal" for example. There are two
>             places which work around not having generator expressions, and a big
>             question in the comments about handling the difference between long and
>             int integers, and whether that is done correctly. There is also a
>             confusing code block for float conversion with commas versus dots. All
>             of that goes away if I simply change the "all versions of CPython lat er
>             than,,," line.
>             The important differences in Python 2.4
>             * decimal.Decimal
>             * generator expressions
>             * built in set objects
>             * Decorators
>             * unified integers
>             * locale-independent float/string conversion
>             * reverse iteration
>             I am starting an informal poll...
>             Is it really worthwhile to keep maintaining support for Python 2.3,
>             which was released in 2005 and has not been updated since 2008?
>             --
>             Vernon
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