[python-win32] HKLM\SOFTWARE\...\ProfileList\... registry subkeyquery

raf raf at raf.org
Fri Sep 7 15:30:26 CEST 2012

Roger Upole wrote:

> raf wrote:
> > so my questions are:
> > did the sid for the account name ever uniquely identify the user?
> Yes. In fact it's the only way, since you can change the login name of an account.
> > how do i obtain the "1009" that needs to be appended to the sid
> > to complete it?
> win32security.LookupAccountName will give you the complete sid for a username.
>      Roger

if you look at the code i supplied, you'll see that that is precisely
where i get the sid from:

  sid = win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid(win32security.LookupAccountName(None, username)[0])

so win32security.LookupAccountName is not giving me the complete sid for the username.
any idea why it isn't doing so? any idea what i'm doing wrong?


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