[python-win32] (no subject)

徐仲谨 xuzhongjin at mychery.com
Tue Oct 23 06:39:28 CEST 2012

Hi ladies/gentlemen,

What I do now is based on Motorola Scan Bar Code SDK to do some development.

SDK is COM thing. there are API Commands and API Events as they called.


API Commands¡¯ development is finished. But Events no, I tried, but failed.
Could u give some help ~ ~.

Thank you.


from pythoncom import *

from win32com.client import *

drv = win32com.client.Dispatch("CoreScanner.CoreScanner",clsctx =

Then I can use the method/attribute, such as Open, Close and so on. Goooood.


class LocalScanEvent:

    def OnBarcodeEvent(self, eventType=0, pscanData=pythoncom.Empty):

        print "@@@@@@@@@@@@"


evt = = DispatchWithEvents("CoreScanner.CoreScanner", LocalScanEvent)

Now prblem appears. I can¡¯t get the LocalScanEvent work. When I debug the
dispatch, it always go to BASECLASS.

How could I do? Please help out. Thank you.


P.S. BASECLASS ¨C it is shows in attachment,¡± class
ICoreScanner(DispatchBaseClass):¡± .


Best regards,


XU Zhongjin

Electronic & Software Engineer 

Electronic & Control Department DERI CHERY

No.8 Changchun Rd E&T Development Zone Wuhu Anhui China 241006




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