[python-win32] Python implementations on Windows 8rt

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Mon Jun 25 19:56:50 CEST 2012

Chris Lambacher wrote:
> Metro apps can be written in so called managed (i.e. .net code)... so
> theoretically IronPython would be embeddable in an app targeting Metro
> and could be made to run on Windows RT (the O.S. Formerly know as
> Windows on ARM).

The fact that there is so much confusion about this topic shows what a
terribly job Microsoft is doing of marketing all of this.  I'm
relatively well connected, Microsoft-wise, but you presented several
tidbits I had not seen before.

>     Windows RT (which is what they're calling the version of Windows 8
>     that runs on ARM) is to Windows 8 what Android is to Linux.  It's
>     a very restricted, tightly controlled environment.  It's Windows
>     for Phones, not just another port of Windows desktop.
> Just to be clear I referred to Windows RT the OS as Windows on ARM to
> be less confusing with Windows Runtime the programming API for Metro
> Style Apps.

Yes, me, too.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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