[python-win32] Silent crashes in calls to a COM object in Python

Deniz Pelvan i_pelvan at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 24 00:09:16 CEST 2012

Hello guys,I am having trouble with the Python interpreter crashing silently (no exceptions or errors thrown) when I make a call to a very CPU-intensive method in my COM/ATL component using Pywin32. The method is an FFT analysis for audio files and hits about 25% CPU on a single core and runs for about 1 minutes. I have tested the COM method intensively via normal win32 applications and there are no problems with it (I can run the same method over and over again 1000s of times in a win32 app).- Also the same Python script (with a call to this COM method) will run successfully on different machines and will fail at the same machine only randomly (i.e. on some machines, it never fails, while on others, it has ~50% failure rate). - This specific method is the most CPU-intensive one in the COM component and other methods do not fail on any of the machines. Because of this, I think the problem might have something to do with either the CPU usage or a timeout feature on Python or pywin32. Are there any tools that would help me narrow down the cause or maybe increase the CPU/time limits for Python/PyWin32? I haven't seen anything in the documentation that'd help.Thanks in advanceDeniz Pelvan

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