[python-win32] Fonts behaving differently with Py3/216

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Mar 4 05:30:56 CET 2011

On 4/03/2011 3:26 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Mark Hammond wrote:
>> What version of python and how many bits? I'm guessing you tried 3.2,
>> which means you must have used the 64bit version
> No, it's 3.1, and 32 bit. It can't be 64, because the
> machine I'm running it on can't handle that. (And it's
> definitely not 23 bit either. :-)

Interesting - I'm really confused how the 32 bit version for 3.2 failed 
to build correctly!

>> The only other thing I can think if is the manifest changes - windows
>> uses the manifest of the "owning hmodule" for some things
> I don't really know anything about these manifest things.
> Is there some tool I can use to examine them and see
> whether anything is different?

The Windows SDK (and I assume VC - haven't checked) comes with a 
"manifest tool" - mt.exe.  The syntax is fairly obscure, but it allows 
you to extract, change and add manifests (but not remove them AFAIK). 
Note the manifest ID for DLLs is 2 - so the command to extract would be 
something like:

mt.exe -inputresource:path\to\whatever.pyd;#2 -out:out.txt



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