[python-win32] send to mail recipient

Werner F. Bruhin werner.bruhin at free.fr
Fri Jul 29 15:35:00 CEST 2011

On 07/28/2011 04:25 AM, Her Him wrote:
> I've scoured the Internet for a way to mimic the functionality of the
> windows 'Send to Mail Recipient' shortcut, but the best I've come up
> with are a few C++ examples like this one:
> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/shell/sendtomail.aspx?display=Mobile.
> Unfortunately C++ and I don't get along and I've had a terrible time
> trying to translate them into python using the pywin32 module. I
> understand that there are ways using smtp etc to send an email I've used
> them before on other projects but that's not what I'm trying to
> accomplish here. What I want is a way to pop the default email client
> (In my case Lotus Notes) with a new message and a file attached waiting
> for the user to type the body of the email add a recipient and send
> (Just like the 'Send to Mail Recipient' shortcut.) My understanding is
> that basically you have to emulate the drop target of the 'Send to Mail
> Recipient' shortcut call its drop function and provide it an IDataObject
> pr something similar and it just works. But for the life of me I can't
> accomplish this. If anyone out ther can help it would be very appreciated.
If you are only on Windows then maybe simplemapi.py will be fine for you.

I use the code originaly done by Ian Cook.


I couldn't remember his name so did a bit of googling and found that 
there is a newer more updated version by John Popplewell which I haven't 
tried yet.



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