[python-win32] Accessing standard Mail-application

Steffen Frömer steffen.froemer at gns-systems.de
Fri Jul 8 23:23:12 CEST 2011

On 07/08/2011 10:16 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Steffen Frömer wrote:
>> i tried to access standard mail application to write a mail.
>> I know the machanism with urllib, but there is no regular way to add
>> attachments.
> How would you do that with urllib?
I found this on web:

import urllib, webbrowser, win32api

def mailto_url(to=None,subject=None,body=None,cc=None, att=None):
     encodes the content as a mailto link as described on
     http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2368.html """
     url = "mailto: " + urllib.quote(to.strip(),"@,")
     sep = "?"
     if cc:
         url+= sep + "cc=" + urllib.quote(cc,"@,")
         sep = "&"
     if subject:
         url+= sep + "subject=" + urllib.quote(subject,"")
         sep = "&"
     if body:
         # Also note that line breaks in the body of a message MUST be
         # encoded with "%0D%0A". (RFC 2368)
         url+= sep + "body=" + urllib.quote(body,"")
         sep = "&"
     return url

txtTo = "mail (at) domain.de"
txtSubject = "Test Subject"
body = "Test body"

txtCC = "cc_test (at) com.net"
att = r'C:/Temp/test.txt'

url = mailto_url(txtTo,txtSubject,body,txtCC)
>> But there are Systems, which don't use MS Outlook.
>> Is there a way to access the standard mail application.
> There is no "standard mail application".  Lots of Windows systems (and
> most servers) don't run a mail application at all.  You can try using
> MAPI; most of the popular mail apps support that  The COM dispatch is
> "Mapi.Session".  There are even some Python samples on using MAPI.
Thanks for this hint. I will try this.
> However, to be completely general, you need to use smtplib to send to an
> external mail server.
This is no option, because there is noch smtp-server withouf 
authentication and we need to send mails from different users.
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