[python-win32] odbc under windows 7?

Mike Driscoll mdriscoll at co.marshall.ia.us
Mon Jan 24 16:21:31 CET 2011

On 1:59 PM, Gary L Smith wrote:
> Dear Pythoners,
> I need to access data in an MS Access 2003 database using Python 2.5 
> or 2.6 running in Windows7.  Windows7 doesn't seem to have appropriate 
> drivers for ODBC.  My error messages consistently contain the phrase, 
> "Data source name not found and no default driver specified."
> While I see that others have run into the same problem, my web 
> searches have only deepened my confusion -- questions are routinely 
> answered with suggestions that turn out to not work in Windows7.
> Suggestions such as SQL Alchemy or pyODBC don't solve the problem, 
> because it still boils down to the missing drivers.
> This is a volunteer effort, so even the Egenix product, mxODBC, at $69 
> is a little much.
> Are there suitable open-source codes to get at Access 2003 data in 
> Windows7?  Please point me in a productive direction, or, it it's just 
> not possible, put me out of my misery.
> Cheers, Gary Smith

I've used SqlAlchemy to get data out of MS Access, but you have to use 
one of the old 0.5 versions. I only did that on Windows XP though.

I also found this recipe which might help you: 

Mike Driscoll

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