[python-win32] Recurring DLL error with py2exe

RayS rays at blue-cove.com
Thu Aug 25 16:22:07 CEST 2011

At 06:02 AM 8/25/2011, Jacob Kruger wrote:

>The last 2 lines rendered in that window are then the following:
>*** finding dlls needed ***
>error: MSVCP90.dll: No such file or directory
>That specific DLL gets copied quite easily into the relevant 
>subfolder of the dist folder when I run a similar command for my 
>much larger, but, I suppose, simpler, mapData app, since that one 
>doesn't try to import libraries/modules like piaudiere or wxPython as such.
>Any thoughts on what could really be happening here, or should I try 
>sort out reinstalling windows7 or something...?

I always explicitly bundle the *90 dlls with the exe using includes 
[], or the user needs the redistributable. Even if Win7 ships with 
*90 dlls you might still need explicit copies.
Re-view the tutorial for more setup hints 

I'm still wrangling with dynamic import errors...
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