[python-win32] Problem using win32com.client.Dispatch on Win764bit

Roger Upole rupole at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 11 08:46:12 CEST 2011

"Misy" <leagen1 at gmail.com> wrote in message news:loom.20110411T043551-525 at post.gmane.org...
> Roger Upole <rupole <at> hotmail.com> writes:
>> You may be able to create an out of process proxy for your 32-bit app.
>> >From Administrative Tools->Component Services, navigate to
>> COM+ Applications, and then click Action->New Application.
>> Create an empty application, and then under its Components, add
>> the 32-bit interfaces you need to access.
>>               Roger
> Hi, Roger,
>    Thanks for your suggestion. It sounds great! I'm trying this,
> but I'm not familiar with these techniques. Please help me~ Thank you.
>    What I need is to execute this -
> com_nxn = win32com.client.Dispatch("NxNNamespace.NxNNamespaceHelper")
>    I followed your steps to created an empty application in COM+ Applications,
> and then I selected Action->New in the Component folder. There was an install
> wizard and I chose "Import Component".
>    There was a list of components. I checked the 32bit registry and found
> "NxNNamespace.NxNNamespaceHelper.1" to add.
>    Ok, now I have this component and an "Interface" folder under it, but I
> don't konw how to add interfaces as you mentioned.
>    Is it correct so far? Thnak you.
> Misy

If that's the only object you need to access, you should be done.
Go ahead and try to Dispatch it.  However, if there are other
related classes (very likely), you'll need to import them into your
proxy also.


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