[python-win32] Building and Installing Python from source

Mico Siahaan mico_siahaan at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 10 09:36:42 CEST 2010

Dear all, 

sorry for these basic questions. I downloaded python source then I built python executable using pcbuild.sln in PCBuild folder as stated in readme.txt.

I built most of them successfully except tkinter, bsdbb, ssl, bz2. Yes, I know it was written in readme about how to build them. But I have not understood where I can download their source codes? And how to integrate that in the solution?

Second question. After built python, how to install them into specified folder? I tried to simply move the executables into another folder. Create libs, Lib, and DLLs folders just normally I saw in Python for Windows distribution and move compiled libraries and pyd files into those. But when I tried to run
>>> import sqlite3

Intrepreter respond was: no _sqlite3. 

But I noticed if I moved _sqlite3.lib into a same folder with python.exe, then it worked well. Did I miss something? So how is the correct way to copy compiled executables, libraries dan pyds into a specified folder?


Mico | mico_siahaan at yahoo.com | pakaipython.blogspot.com | @bangmico

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