[python-win32] Works in 2.6, doesn't in 2.7

robert2682 robert2682 at verizon.net
Fri Nov 12 01:50:04 CET 2010


I've got a flaky problem.  I'm working on a win32com based Excel 
add-in.  The problem I've got is that under python 2.7, importing wx 
(wxPython) inside the Excel add-in fails.  Under python 2.6, the same 
code works.  I've written a sample program (attached) to demonstrate. To 
run: install Python, Win32 extensions and wxPython, register test 
program, and fire up Excel.  The install binaries I have are:


This is not obviously a wxPython problem (although it may be), as 
importing works ok outside Excel, as demonstrated by running the test 
program to register.

Any help or suggestions in tracking this down would be appreciated.


Robert Kaplan
robert2682 at verizon.net

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