[python-win32] "Could not load file or assembly" using win32com

Federico Fanton federico at panizzolo.it
Wed Nov 3 18:15:53 CET 2010

Hi everyone!

I have a Python program that uses win32com to automate a few tasks 
exposed by a C# application (Alibre Design[1]). It used to work nicely, 
but now there's a new version of the application, and upon calling 
win32com.client.Dispatch, an error message appears:


I tried enabling the log as suggested in the message, and it shows that

     LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Python26

So I tried copying the required files there, and the message goes away...
Is there a way to tell win32com where to look for assemblies?

Thanks for your attention!

   [1]: http://www.alibre.com/

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