[python-win32] Running a Windows Python service without pythonservice.exe?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed May 12 04:43:45 CEST 2010

On 12/05/2010 4:28 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:
> OK, so I wrote my own InstallService:

That actually isn't necessary - the class can provide _exe_name_ and 
_exe_args_ attributes to override the defaults.

See attached sample which works for me - be sure to place it in the same 
directory as the pipeTestService.py sample (win32/Demos/service).  I'm 
afraid I did mislead you a little in the steps necessary to get things 
going, but I'm checking this sample into pywin32 so it doesn't get lost 
again :)


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