[python-win32] Pywin32+MFC Ok on 7 & Vista, bad on XP ; solved/résolu

Michel Claveau mc at mclaveau.com
Wed Mar 31 12:00:48 CEST 2010


Sorry for late, but I have work for 35 hours, each day...

The problem was WS_EX_LAYERED.
I used that:

    s=win32gui.GetWindowLong(self.hwnd, win32con.GWL_EXSTYLE)
    win32gui.SetWindowLong(self.hwnd, win32con.GWL_EXSTYLE, s | 

but WS_EX_LAYERED must not used alone.
The solution is to add a line like:

    win32gui.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(self.hwnd, 0, 255, 
(or another usage of  LayeredWindow)

For the size of the script, in few days, I will send the result on the web. 
That will interest for some persons, if they can read my bad english (sorry) 
or they can read few my french comments...

Michel Claveau

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