[python-win32] Finding the physical USBSTOR disk size

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Mon Mar 22 12:44:31 CET 2010

On 22/03/2010 11:41, Chris Jesse wrote:
> Shame about the None returns; I keep on bumping up against these!

> I'm currently going for the over-read exception - a bit like over-kill,
> we read beyond the size reported in the smallest block size chunks (512 bytes)
> until an exception is raised. It does mean we will get 101% read progress reports
> and a slight delay at the end of our progress bar, but much like progress reported
> by Microsoft Minutes, it's an inaccuracy we can live with.

Heh. http://xkcd.com/612/   :)

Glad you've got something of a solution anyway


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