[python-win32] Possible to update exe file properties and/or icon via the win32api library?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 09:01:52 CEST 2010

On 27/07/2010 6:31 AM, python at bdurham.com wrote:
> Is it possible to update an exe file's properties and/or icon file via
> the win32api library?

Kinda - although it is pretty painful to use.  To get started, check out 
the 'verstamp.py' utility included with pywin32 and if you want to 
update the icon etc, be prepared to read the win32 docs for 
BeginUpdateResource etc and alot of experimentation (although digging 
into the py2exe source code might be helpful there as it updates icons 
and string resources using the same basic functions - although not via 



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