[python-win32] fast test if (unknown) process is running ? Why not use Autoit ?

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Aug 6 13:44:07 CEST 2010

On 06/08/2010 12:27, Stef Mientki wrote:
>   hello,
> I wonder if there's a fast way to test if a process is running.
> these are my experiences till so far:
> 1. win32pdh, not usefull, because it shows ths status of some ancient history
> 2. wmi, VERY SLOW: 1500 .. 2000 msec
>     import wmi
>      w = wmi.WMI()
>      processes = w.instances('Win32_Process')
>      instances = []
>      for process in processes :
>        if process.Name.lower() == name :
>          return process.ProcessId
> 3. Autoit, very fast: 10..20 msec
>      autoit = win32com.client.Dispatch ( "AutoItX3.Control" )
>      print autoit.ProcessExists ( process )
> Are the better (faster) ways, without the use of AutoIt ?
> Now this raises another question (please forgive my ignorance):
> Why not use AutoIt always, instead of all the win32 libraries ?
> AFAIK, the advantages of AutoIt:
> - seems to be very fast
> - is very well documented
> - can be tested in a AutoIt friendly editor (Scite)
> AFAIK the disadvantages:
> - when distributing, you must add an extra file

Try psutil (which uses the toolhelp DLL):


import psutil

for p in psutil.process_iter ():
   if p.name == "blah":
     print p
   print "Not found"



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