[python-win32] Pywin32 GUI not working with pythonw

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Nov 9 22:14:03 CET 2009

I have a bizarre problem. The following program:

import win32ui
app = win32ui.GetApp()

works fine when run from a command window using
python.exe -- it happily sits there waiting for
events until I kill it with the task manager.

However, if I run it using pythonw.exe, the
GetApp() call returns immediately with a value
of 0.

I've tried diverting stdout and stderr into a
file to see if there are any error messages or
tracebacks, but there is nothing.

Anyone have any idea what might be wrong?

I'm using Python 2.5.4 and Pywin32 build 213
on Windows 2000.


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