[python-win32] Interest for patch enabling building egg ?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Nov 3 22:34:04 CET 2009

On 4/11/2009 2:10 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> 2009/11/3 David Cournapeau<cournape at gmail.com>:
>> The only test I have done is that python setupegg.py and setup.py
>> install generate the same tree (and that the produced egg is working).
>> I am not very familiar with pywin32, so if there is a formal test
>> suite to run, let me know,
> I guess this doesn't run the postinstall script that the bdist_wininst
> installer runs, so that the COM components won't get registered? Does
> that matter for people wanting to use the egg format?

There was actually an old setuptools bug which I was hoping would be 
fixed and the reason I hadn't put any effort into an egg myself. 
Without this post-install script many things will not work as that 
script is what copies the pywin32 DLLs to the correct place.



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