[python-win32] Python activex Scripting engine error

julio.dilisa at thalesaleniaspace.com julio.dilisa at thalesaleniaspace.com
Fri Mar 6 10:09:36 CET 2009


If I run the code (with wsscript small_pys.pys) given here under, I got 
this error

" Windows Script Host" Error 

Line 9
char 0
Error: Traceback...
File "<Script Block>" line 9, in <module>
 import Tkinter
File .....
 import _tkinter
ImportError: DLL load failed. The specified module could not be found
Code:    8002200009
Source: Python ActiveX Scripting Engine


If I run the code the python way : python small_pys.pys, I get no trouble.

What can I do to make my code work with wscript ?

# ________________CODE_________________

import os
import win32api
import win32com

# Uncomment following line to provoque an error
import Tkinter

def mymsg(msg = 'hello world'):


b = mymsg(os.getcwd())


Thanks for your help.


Python Activestate 2.6.1
Windows XP Professional SP3

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